Minifrontpage error: 0 - The image file does not exist.

I installed the module.
It all worked good, but on every article there was a default image.

So I added some pictures in my news-articles.
Although, the thumbnails stayed the same.
I tried to remove the default images with FTP from the folder /images/thumbnails/mod_minifrontpage

This resulted in the error that I have a fully blank page, only with the error "0 - The image file does not exist."
I have to disable the module, to see my website again.

Uninstalling and re-installing still gives me the same error


Accepted Answer

    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:53 PM
    I think I found the reason of the error. It looks like the module doesn't work properly with image that contains spacing in its file name. It happens when you add the image directly using the wysiwyg editor, but it works properly when you use Intro image or Full Article Image to add image to the article.
    I'll try to fix it, but temporarily, if you want to to add image directly from editor, please remove spacing in the your image filename first.

    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory -
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